Your Guide to Navigating Divorce
with Grace and Humor

Let's Do This! 30 March, 2018 All Things Tami The Next Chapter Divorce Insights It's time to sharpen our pencils and start the next chapter... For me, that means moving from writing about my divorce journey & post divorce life to expanding into fiction and poetry....
“The Only Way to Move is Forward”
– Mom
After 20 years of marriage, I found myself blindsided and facing divorce.
Dazed and confused, I stumbled in the dark – trying to figure out a way to survive. In sheer desperation, and to make sure I didn’t do something I might regret later, I started a journal project that morphed into a book – Becoming Unmarried.
From navigating the actual legal process to finding new ways to cope with being a “suddenly single” woman, I’ll take you along on my emotional roller coaster ride and offer a look into dealing with the ins and outs of divorce.
This Book is Your Essential Guide for Navigating Divorce’s Challenges …
The Legal Process
Divorce lawyers, paperwork, and financials are a part of your new reality.
Taking Care of Yourself
How I developed new interests to keep my spirit strong when it felt like half of me was missing.
Your New Normal
How I transformed my situation to create a new life that was right for me.
Protecting Yourself
What to keep in mind as you negotiate and communicate with your soon-to-be Ex.
Family Matters
How I carefully unraveled ties with his family and preserved a few cherished relationships.
Creating My Own Closure
How to move on, even when you know you’ll never get an “I’m sorry.”
Get In Touch
Ask Tami your questions about the process, moving on, and reclaiming your power after divorce.
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Available for speaking engagements and divorce coaching. Please send all inquiries to
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